M a r i a R o s a

The Maria Rosa Wine Estate is a tribute to Mr. Joseph Fenech’s wife and his lifelong dream of producing wine, following in the footsteps of his father. Established in 2006, the estate spans 4.2 hectares of agricultural land and is home to three varieties of grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, and Sirakuzan.
The estate is known for its dedication to producing quality Maltese wines, crafted with love and care. The family’s expertise and commitment to the art of winemaking are evident in every bottle. They take great pride in nurturing their vineyards, ensuring that only the finest grapes are used in the production process.
For 23 years, Mr. Joseph Fenech poured his passion, patience, and expertise into crafting exceptional wines. Today, his family proudly carries on his legacy, continuing to fulfill his dream at the Maria Rosa Estate.
Our Story
H o w I t A l l B e g a n

M a l t a ' s M o s t R e c o g n i s e d B o u t i q u e W i n e r y

crafts people
M e e t O u r K e y P e o p l e

Ennio Gugliotta

Mustafa Akan
Assistant Winemaker

Joe Walker
Estate Manager

M i n d f u l n e s s o f t h e E n v i r o n m e n t